Playa la Boguita, Carazo, Nicaragua.
© Jimmy D. Mendieta. All rights reserved.
This is the first story ever submitted through the “Share Your Story” link. We hope this is only the beginning.
Author: Lester Zamora
Photography: Jimmy D. Mendieta
No matter where you are in Nicaragua, nothing can beat a sunset with the different shapes of this country. Although my favorite part of the day is this one, the geography of Nicaragua provides us many stages as if it were a theater with mountains, volcanoes, lakes, lagoons, rivers, forests, small villages, pretty cities, beaches and more which amaze us.

Volcan Maderas, Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua.
© Jimmy D. Mendieta. All rights reserved.
A theater with a play called sunset where the star performers are the sunlight, the wind, the clouds and the Fog, the rain, the birds, the cattle on the fields, the workers going home. An unfinished story about life in a place really warm near to the sea or cold up in the mountains, with different scenes in summer with the sun or the rain in our tropical and wet winter.
Because of this Nicaragua is beautiful, not because of the play it self (there is a sunset everywhere) but the theater of this country helps us and takes us to appreciate this play called sunset.